The three main things that keep Duke Homestead up, running, and serving the public are volunteers, donations, and one amazing support group.  Giving your time is one of the most valuable things you can do. If however, you cannot give your time, making a donation to the site is an equally valuable way to support Duke Homestead.

Your donations benefit the Duke Homestead Education and History Corporation (DHEHC) which is a 501 (c)3 non-Profit organization. The Corporation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of the Duke Homestead State Historic Site and Tobacco Museum. These are the same fantastic folks who help us run our gift shop. The money they collect helps us do a myriad of things on site. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


The money donated by the friends, fans, and average visitor of Duke Homestead gets used in many different ways all to benefit you and the community around us.


Most of our events are free. Your donations help make that happen. The money you give covers everything from advertising and entertainment to fun historic activities, bags of ice, and bales of hay.


The money you give helps make your day to day visits fun and interesting by allowing us to put on a series of temporary exhibits. Temporary exhibits let us share stories we might not otherwise get to tell. Stories that you won't get to hear anywhere else. Stories that teach us what it means to be from Durham, from North Carolina and from the United States.  


Duke Homestead includes our museum, auditorium, Visitor Center and seven historic buildings. Your donations help maintain and care for the facilities and historic property. Most importantly, the money you give keeps our historic site open to the public free of charge.